“This a good app I would recommend this to lots of people it help u increase your reading and speed it also helps you get smarter.” This can be used in combination with Lexia® Core5® Reading and Lexia® RAPID™ Assessment to optimize reading experiences and reading groups in schools. It allows for online and offline activity, to be available for all learners’ learning needs and activity levels. Working with typical reading lessons, educators can use this app to fill in learning gaps, allowing a learner to practice skills such as comprehension, analyzation, evaluation, and comparison. Please click the follwing link to find some engaging activities for your students: Instructional Resources/Enrichment Activities.Lexia® PowerUp Literacy™ is made for middle school learners to help them master their reading skills. We’ve provided some activity ideas and resources for you on our EdTech website. When the elementary student completes the Lexia Core5 program, our EdTech department recommen ds that teachers provide en riching activities that help develop our students into empowered learners, knowledge constructors, global collaborators, creative communicators, computational thinkers, innovative designers, and ethical digital citizens. Engaging adolescents in reading means providing passages that can spark text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections. The diverse content that makes up the Comprehension strand was thoughtfully identified to speak to the life experiences of an adolescent, while purposefully aligning to the curriculum commonly found across Middle Schools and High Schools. Although they may be able to read the content with accuracy, fluency and prosody it is likely that the subtleties and nuances of these rich texts would sadly be lost on them. While a young student might be a strong or proficient reader it does not mean they have the background or world knowledge to support reading texts intended for an adolescent audience. While some of the texts fall into the Lexile band that high performing elementary readers have achieved, many of the main ideas and themes weaved throughout our passages surpass the comprehension of most elementary readers. PowerUp Comprehension was designed to offer highly engaging passages for readers at the secondary level.

Lexia PowerUp is intended as a secondary intervention resource. Once your students have completed Lexia Core5, it is not recommended that they move on to Lexia PowerUp. Through personalized learning it targets skill gaps and provides teachers with progress-monitoring data and student-specific resources for individual and small group instruction.

Lexia Core5 Reading has provided our students in grades K-5 th differentiated literacy instruction.